Helpful tips to manage your money.

This page will take you through different advice, tips and tricks on how to help you avoid or get out of debt. It will also help you understand what managing your money means and give advice on how to do it effectively.

A healthy financial future is not about how much money you make, it is about how you manage and plan. Learn some basic money management techniques to help get your finances in order, no matter your income.

a woman holding a lightbulb

What Is Money Management?

Budgeting, investing, saving and even spending are all a part of money management. So how do you build money confidence and reduce anxiety about your financial goals? Finding ways to better manage your money—and your mindset—could help. You could do your own research or get professional advice to assist you with your financial plan.

5 Principles of Money Management You Should Follow

Click each principle to learn more!

  • assignment_ind1. Your Financial Plan Should Be Unique To You
    Your life journey is different from others, so why should your financial plan be the same as others? While this might sound obvious, I’ve often heard of cases where people have followed the crowd and ended up with losses rather than gains. Your money management style will always be unique, no matter how tempted you might feel about joining the herd. After all, no two needs, earnings, and expenses can match dollar by dollar. Correct? It’s simple: Stay in your financial lane, be curious to learn more about money management, and apply it gradually in your life!
  • attach_money2. Intelligently Invest For The Long Term
    The concept of money management expands beyond the basic earn and spend rule. As a finance professional, I insist my clients to invest for a secure future. As history has proven, investing should become a compulsory part of everyday money management. Depending on your life goals, risk appetite, and investible surplus – there are multiple investment opportunities in the UAE and globally to invest in. However, don’t invest with the expectations of generating quick returns or doubling your money overnight. I strongly advise you to keep a long-term vision in mind when you enter this space, say 3-7 years. Give your money time to grow gradually in the markets because success in investing does not come overnight. It takes discipline, due diligence and patience.
  • edit3. Diversify, Diversify, Diversify
    An essential English lesson learned in school has stayed with me throughout my financial advising career: Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. This logic is relevant in the investing space. No matter which investment instrument you trust your money with, your money is always at risk due to factors not in your control. However, one of the most foolproof ways to follow healthy money management is to diversify your investment portfolio. Investing in multiple instruments across asset classes reduces your chances of facing extreme losses.
  • dvr4. Set Realistic Goals
    Setting financial goals is essential. When you can visualize your goals, you tend to work harder to achieve them. The same goes for financial goals. Money management is a tricky space. Once you begin, you will experience the urge to take on more risk, but risk tolerance differs across people. In my experience no one likes to lose money. So instead, set practical goals for yourself, start slow, and keep track of your investment’s performance.
  • flight5. Plan Professionally For Your Future
    Regardless of your present age, financial goals like planning for children’s education costs, life insurance expenses and retirement planning, demand you need to seek professional help. Money management is a full-time job. It isn’t easy and needs professional expertise to show decent results. While it is tempting (and easy) to go online and buy stocks and other products in today’s day, rarely is that a recipe for success. Yes, you might make money, but in the long run, you will need to seek professional advice to build a portfolio and manage money in a way that assist you with achieving your financial goals.

Quick tips for credit cards

  • Pay off your FULL (not minimum) balance every month
  • Use the card for needs, not wants
  • Never skip a payment
  • Use a rewards card
a hand putting a coin in a piggybank

The first of the year is a great time to take a personal financial inventory especially when you may be recovering from overspending at Christmas. Maybe you’ve made a resolution to make and really live by, a monthly budget. In any case, it’s never a bad time to get your financial house in order.

There are many different financial profiles and household budgets vary widely. Budgets also fluctuate, morphing continually, due to unexpected changes — positive or negative — and disruptions. So how can you really determine the health of your financial profile?